Greg With Peace (Gergely Szabados): Creating the “Mindvalley of heart-centred music”

Jul 17, 2024


WHAT YOU WLL LEARN: 🔥 Greg's Vision for heart-centred music 🔥 His transformative approach to music education 🔥 Greg's platform "Play Music People!" and currently available courses 🔥 Greg's future plans to expand his platform with additional teachers and courses 🔥 Takeaways from the Soul Kitchen Vision Retreat


In a world where music is often viewed primarily as a form of entertainment, Greg With Peace (Gergely Szabados) envisions a transformative shift. His vision is to create a platform akin to Mindvalley but for heart-centred music, where individuals become musically conscious, integrating music into their daily lives as a tool for personal growth, connection, and healing.

Greg’s approach transcends traditional music education, focusing on the profound impacts of integrating music into one's life. He reflects:

"I'm creating a platform to help people become musically conscious, not merely as performing art, but understanding music beyond its surface. It's about using music in our everyday lives to connect with ourselves, each other, and higher dimensions."

Music has been a constant in Greg's life for 30 years, but his path to integrating it into his professional life was not straightforward. Although he aspired to be a professional musician in his early years, he eventually realised that the commercial route was not aligned with his true calling. This led him to explore the startup world and online business, ultimately circling back to his first love - music. His approach to music now focuses on personal well-being, spiritual growth and community experience rather than the performance-oriented music industry.

Currently, Greg's platform, “Play Music People!” has at its core a guitar course based on mantras and medicine songs, aptly named "Chords of Love". This program consists of two parts: a free masterclass offering an introduction to playing mantras and medicine music, and a Full Immersion Program and Community - a comprehensive year-long course designed for both beginners and those with some musical experience. The Full Immersion program features pre-recorded video lessons, bi-weekly Zoom calls and workshops, fostering a supportive learning environment both online and offline (the latter in the Lisbon area in Portugal).

The community Greg has built is diverse, encompassing complete beginners to those with some musical background. However, the technical skill level is secondary to the mindset and approach. His teaching philosophy focuses on transforming frustration into creative energy, turning practice into meditation, and seamlessly integrating music into daily life. Many of his students are healers, facilitators, and practitioners who incorporate music into their own practices, whether it’s facilitating ceremonies or comforting people in palliative care.


Greg advocates for the concept of "slow success", emphasising patience and consistent practice. "The beauty and depth of music don't come from complexity but from how you play what you play," he asserts. By integrating music into daily routines, even for just a few minutes, individuals can achieve profound progress over time. This approach contrasts sharply with the high-pressure, instant-gratification mindset prevalent in today's society.

Greg was selected to participate in a recent Soul Kitchen Vision Retreat through the Artist Scholarship program. The retreat provided Greg with valuable insights and strategic planning tools, and the group dynamics, feedback, and focused exercises helped refine his vision and approach.


Looking ahead, Greg plans to expand his platform with more teachers and courses, gradually building a comprehensive musical community. By the end of the year, Greg plans to invite additional teachers who share his values to join the platform. This collaborative approach aims to create a rich, diverse learning environment where both students and teachers can thrive. Greg emphasises the importance of collaboration over competition, drawing inspiration from nature's interconnectedness.

As Greg prepares to onboard additional teachers by the end of the year, he remains open to the pace of progress. "I'm not fixated on a timeline. It's about the concept and creating a space where good teachers and learners can come together," he emphasises. This organic growth mindset ensures that the platform remains authentic and true to its heart-centred approach.

Greg’s journey and vision serve as an inspiring testament to the power of following one's passion with patience and authenticity. His platform not only teaches music but also fosters a deep sense of connection and personal growth. For anyone feeling the call to explore the Vision Retreats or embark on a transformative journey, Greg's advice is clear: listen to your heart, trust the process, and follow your calling.

Photo credits: @rajanalex, @camilagrosser, @margotroth_

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