Francien Hamann: From corporate to holistic healing practices

Aug 23, 2024


WHAT YOU WLL LEARN: 🔥 The transformative power of alternative therapies, such as breathwork and Reiki 🔥 Francien's career journey from corporate to entrepreneurship 🔥 Studio Cien, as a space for holistic healing in Ericeira 🔥 Francien's personal experiences and insights as retreat facilitator 🔥 The importance of self-love and authenticity

Francien Hamann, also known as "Cien" by those close to her, became a dedicated holistic healing practitioner after years of self-discovery and transformation that led her to leave her corporate career and follow her true calling. Her path, rooted in personal healing and a desire to help others, has culminated in the creation of her studio, Studio Cien, where she offers a range of treatments including transformational cupping, yoga and energetic massage, breathwork, and Reiki.

Francien’s vision is shaped by her personal experiences and the significant benefits she has found through alternative therapies. Her journey started in her early twenties when she focused on mental work to address personal challenges. Five years ago she realised that some issues were still affecting her physically. This discovery led her to explore body-oriented therapies, which have helped her achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life over the past five years.


Studio Cien in Ericeira, Portugal embodies Francien’s vision of healing people through the benefits of transformational cupping, energetic massage, yoga, breathwork, and Reiki. She believes in the transformative power of these practices, having experienced their profound effects firsthand.

Before delving into the world of healing arts, Francien held a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Organization. She worked in office management, recruitment, and HR for various corporate entities in Amsterdam. While these roles provided valuable experiences and warm connections, including friendships to this day, Francien felt a persistent sense of dissatisfaction, as they did not align with her true self.

An important moment in Francien's journey occurred during a one-day meditation and Reiki retreat in 2020. The exercises and experiences during that day helped her feel more connected and supported. This experience motivated her to pursue certifications and workshops in Reiki, and after her first weekend of training, she felt an unparalleled sense of grounding, presence, and warmth in her body. This marked a turning point, solidifying her commitment to holistic healing and inspiring her to share these practices with others. From that moment on, she began assisting clients once a week in the Netherlands next to her corporate job.


The transition to her current path was further influenced by the grief over her father’s passing in October 2022 and a health issue in 2023. These moments led her to reassess her lifestyle and follow her dreams even more together with her partner. Ericeira resonated already for years and she embraced this new chapter, leaving behind the stability of a job to fully dedicate herself to her passion.

Initially operating from her home, Francien soon realised the need for a dedicated space to better serve her clients and expand her practice. She found a location in the city centre of Ericeira, where she could more effectively offer her treatments and workshops. Her move to a physical studio represents not only a logistical improvement but also a significant step in realising her entrepreneurial vision.


Francien’s role as a facilitator at Soul Kitchen retreats has been a profound and affirming experience. These retreats allow participants to engage deeply with their visions and purposes, creating a transformative environment. Working alongside experienced practitioners like Steven Ebbers (Breathlife), Francien found immense joy and inspiration in witnessing the participants' bravery, commitment, and transformation over the retreat period.

Central to Francien’s approach is the practice of self-love and authenticity. She emphasises the importance of positive self-talk and affirmations, which have been instrumental in her own journey. This mindset has helped her navigate the challenges of building a new career and maintain confidence in her path. For Francien, working hard for the right things - those that align with her true self - has been the key to sustaining energy and passion in her work.

Francien’s dedication to holistic healing continues to evolve, as she aims to create a supportive and transformative space for her clients. With her new studio in Ericeira, Francien is well-positioned to further guide others in pursuing their dreams and finding the balance that she herself has experienced.


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