
Welcome to the Soul Kitchen.

We thrive to empower you to live your quest. What is your quest?

Move through — emotional healing


Work on — personal growth


Contribute to — a better world


A team with a diverse set of backgrounds but all in constant search for life's recipes.

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    Jasper Mutsaerts


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    Andrew Wevell

    Marketing director

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    Steven Ebbers

    Breathwork & meditation

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    Nanneke Landman

    Breathwork, meditation & yoga

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    Maguy Leyzers Vis

    Soul in the kitchen

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    Lidia Lins

    Artist & Ceremonialist

🌍 Giving Back to Our Planet 🌿

At Soul Kitchen, we believe in the power of collective impact. That's why 1% of our revenue is dedicated to supporting Earth Charter International, an organization devoted to promoting sustainability, ethical values, and a global sense of interdependence.

Earth Charter International is a non-profit organization that works tirelessly to foster a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. Their Earth Charter is a comprehensive ethical framework that encourages responsible actions towards the environment and all living beings, inspiring positive change on a global scale.

By joining us on our transformative journeys and immersive retreats, you are not only nurturing your own growth but also contributing to the greater good of our beautiful planet. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in building a better future for generations to come. 🌟

Join one of our Vision retreats.

Our 50+ participants have rated our retreats with a 9.5/10 on average

Dive deeper

Any questions about Soul Kitchen and the opportunities it holds for you?