

Didem Ayturk

Product Strategist. Mentor. Connector.

Attending the Vision retreat was a transformative experience in many aspects but the most remarkable outcome was seeing immediate progress through practical, actionable plans in just 6 days with an impressive support system in the safest environment. I'll always appreciate the time I spent with the Soul Kitchen family and am already making my vision come to life!

Stephanie van der Wiel


The Vision Retreat exceeded my expectations! The workshops were very insightful, the facilitators experienced and the whole organisation was amazing. We stayed in a beautiful historic property with a garden and ocean view. The chefs prepared three delicious meals per day and I made a lot of good friends with the other participants. A week to remember!

Clifton Mahangoe

Multidimensional light sculpture artist

The retreat was a special experience for life, everything was organized in a light-hearted manner with a holistic foundation, thanks for the delicious food, beautiful location and conviviality. During this vision retreat my vision has been sharpened and polished like a diamond. A wonderful group of participants that has now become a family.

Erin O'Connell


Jasper is truly one of the most inspiring people I have met. In every session he is really able to listen and ask questions that allow us to look deeper to gain more clarity. I loved my 1:1 session with him and it is from that I came up with a completely new vision. It is one that I am so excited about and will be forever grateful for. I like that he set the day up with a clear schedule and that though he has so much expertise, he is humble and approachable. His leadership style is rare and it brings out the best in everyone at the retreat. I am so grateful for how he created this program from scratch and how it has created such a beautiful community. All of these connections and friendships are because of him. All of our new visions are coming to life because of the work that he did. I can not thank him enough. he

Laurèl Bodenhorst Meyer


The Soul Kitchen retreat differentiates from regular retraites. The week program is a perfect mix of calming down, effective vision work and creating memories with the group of participants. Thank you team Soul Kitchen!

Julia Tolson

Coach & Entrepreneur

I can wholeheartedly recommend the soul kitchen retreat. If you are looking into (re)defining your purpose, currently undergoing a career transition, starting your own business or simply looking to change the design of your life, this retreat is for you. The location is spectacular, the team incredible and the friendships formed everlasting. Thank you for the safe space, the learnings & inspiration and overall beautiful experience!

Greg with Peace (Gergely Szabados)

Musician & Entrepreneur

If you want to be successful, first you need to know what that means to you. It's very important to have a vision that is our own and not sombody else's. When we have our own vision, we can start taking steps towards making it happen. No one can take those steps for us as it is our journey. But guidance, support and motivation from the right people can help us on our journey immensely. At the vision retreat you can be surrounded by "the right people" to help to see your vision clearer and setting up a plan how to get where you are going.

Lisa de Bruijn

Hospitality entrepreneur & Chef

The Soul Kitchen retreat for me was very special and helpful for my business. The week gave me confidence, beautiful insights and a lot of laughs!

Pauly Nuttall

Entrepreneur & Breathwork facilitator

After leaving my last job I had been feeling a bit lost and confused. I had my own personal limiting beliefs getting in my way. Joining the retreat not only allowed me to get clarity on what I want to create but also allowed me to work through some of my own self doubt so I could feel more confident about stepping in to my own vision and purpose. Thank you!

Kim Faas

Lifestyle coach

Just returned from an incredible retreat that exceeded all my expectations! The flow of the week was truly unique, combining breathwork, yoga, movement, journalling, concrete actions, practical tools, exercises, group discussions, and 1-1 coaching. The safe setting created by the outstanding team allowed me to step into the unknown and heal old wounds. And let's not forget the finger-licking good food made by the chef and the inspiring surroundings. Grateful for the people I met and excited to start my new vision with the support of my Soul Kitchen Familia!

Hondee Gongolo

Founder of Piri Piri Cuisine, a culinary studio, located in Portugal.

I came to this retreat to get a more clear idea about my brand and my business, and to balance my professional and personal life. After this week I feel renewed, full of good energy, and I know where I want to be in one week, one month and in one year. The breathwork, yoga and movement aspect really allow you to connect and provided the most clarity in my vision. The community and strategy workshops show me that I can really make it happen. What's very special about a Soul Kitchen retreat is that I was reminded to take care of myself. I highly recommend this experience to anyone interested in gaining more clarity in their personal and professional lives, and interested in making new life-long friendships!

Rixt Harmsen

This was a great experience for both my body and my soul. It’s all about building the connection with your body in order to dig deep into your soul (in case you need that!) and truly feel what drives you in your career, relationships with friends,family or partner, and broader in life. It will help you to sharpen your vision, and equally important, make a concrete plan how to reach the goals you envision.
All led by a fantastic group of professionals that will guide you, ànd challenge you, along your way.
And let’s not forget the delicious food!

Emile Erens

Lot's of new experiences and insights. For me especially, the breathwork sessions were very useful and impactful. It was a surprisingly well thought out program, each day with a specific intention. More so, at the retreat we had lots of time to actually stand still and think about our future plans and direction, which on its own is worth it! All in all, I highly recommend it :)

Niels van Deuren

The Soul Kitchen retreat gave me good insights into my work and my personal life.

Macki Maconie

The team and attendees were wonderful souls. The workshops were really immersive and helped us come out of our shell and strategist insights and deep journalling aided the ideation process.

I feel clearer about what areas of my biz i need to focus on and amplify. Released some things, to allow for space to create more magic in primary areas of life and work.

I would recommend it to others who need a little reboot!

Karthik Krishna

So many impactful moments! Private conversations with Flora, Anieke, Jasper are along the top in terms of those that left a lasting impression on me.

Flora Ong

I had a much needed and phenomenal experience at the Soul Kitchen vision Retreat. There were many aspects that contributed to gaining clarity on my vision for my business. The breathwork sessions were transformative and enlightening while the more practical sessions gave shape to my vision and brought words to my ideas. Most impactful for me was the group experience, learning about others, sharing deeply and making memories with my new soul family.

I came to the retreat with the intention of planning out my social media business and figuring out how to make it more profitable but what became clear for me was that I was barking up the wrong tree all along and that is why I had been blocked. The retreat reminded me that I thrive around people in a social environment and my clarity came around running retreats myself and setting up community around my coaching program. Within a week of returning home I very serendipitously ended up on a call with someone who successfully runs retreats near me and after talking to him about what I do as a dating coach we agreed to run a retreat together in 2 months time! Everything is happening quickly and it's without a doubt due to the clarity I gained at the Vision retreat!

I've already recommended the retreat to friends and colleagues. Loved it!

Anke Verstraeten

Stresscoach & Yogadocent

I came to the vision retreat as a vacation and because my energy in having my business was low. Now after the retreat I feel super connected to my 'why' and I have a big team of new friends supporting my vision. This retreat was amazing.

Lydia Baum

Holistic Health Coach

Wow, this retreat has opened a new world for me. I knew about mediation and breath work, but I was not aware of the fact that they are so powerful. In these couple of days I healed a lot of old wounds and I am confident that I can step into my new role as an entrepreneur. My new motto will be “Everything you try is an experiment. You succeed already just by doing it.” Thanks guys. I loved the quality!

Constance van Berckel

Independent curator, event organizer, entrepreneur

Great program during the Vision retreat with a cadence that really allowed for development of your own process. Had a lot of guidance and space to finetune my purpose and vision, both on my professional as well as personal life. I felt very supported by the staff as well as the amazing group we were with, collectively going through our own process and seeing everyone flourish during the week.

Lacey Landesmann

Communications • Cyber Security • Marketing • Events

This retreat felt like a warm hug! A journey I can truly say was the best decision I’ve made on my sabbatical. I uncovered new tools to guide myself to my purpose and vision. The connections I have made are deep and the facilitators are all experts in the field. Thank you so so much.

Anita Pécsi

The Vision retreat was one of the most unique experiences of my life. It is a brilliant mix of self exploration and career development, with the guidance of excellent facilitators, in a breathtaking setting in the Portuguese countryside. Thanks to this retreat I have a lot more clarity about my purpose and vision, and have the necessary tools to bring it all to life.

Join one of our Vision retreats.

Our 50+ participants have rated our retreats with a 9.5/10 on average

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