Nanneke Landman: Breathbase founder and yogi extraordinaire, paving the way to holistic wellness

Oct 29, 2023


Introducing Nanneke, our very own yogi extraordinaire! With a journey in the world of spirituality, Nanneke is here to inspire and guide us on a path to grounding and embodiment. Her journey, from the days when she was a novice in the world of yoga to her current status as a breathworker, serves as a stunning example of dedication. So, grab your mats, take a deep breath, as Nanneke leads the way in our quest for balance and mindfulness.

In 2008, Nanneke embarked on a transformative spiritual journey. Her path led her to explore yogic philosophy and enrol in a Raja Yoga teacher training, marking the beginning of a path that would eventually lead her to becoming a breathworker and tantra practitioner. Today, she stands as the founder of Breathbase, an organisation dedicated to cultivating breath awareness and offering transformative experiences to others.

Nanneke's spiritual journey commenced with her enrollment in a Raja Yoga teacher training, where she was introduced to the practices of Pranayama and Yogic Breathing. These practices captivated her, setting the stage for her deep dive into the world of yoga and holistic wellness. After a year, she felt the need to incorporate more physicality into her practice, prompting her to pursue a 4-year Hatha Yoga teacher training. This program encompassed Ayurvedic Principles, Massage, and Prana, providing her with a holistic understanding of these disciplines. Nanneke further expanded her expertise by completing a Yin Yoga teacher training and undertaking various breathwork courses.

Nanneke's journey over the years has allowed her to gain knowledge in the areas of embodiment and holistic health. Since 2017, she has chosen to primarily focus on breathwork and meditation to offer transformative experiences to others. Her offerings include pranayama, circular breathing sessions, body work, and pelvic floor awareness. Through her understanding of breathwork and her commitment to spiritual growth, Nanneke continues to support others in discovering greater awareness and sensitivity.

Nanneke's dedication to breathwork and its potential led her to establish Breathbase. This platform offers a comprehensive range of workshops, classes and retreats that are all dedicated to cultivating breath and body awareness.

Nanneke has also been involved in the world of film. She currently works as Head of Development at the documentary production company Scenery. Some notable documentaries and series she has contributed to include “Spaceship Earth’’, “Ruud Gullit, and the Mysteries of Ancient Eqypt” and "Human playground" on Netflix.

Breathbase encompasses three distinct types of breathing:

Pranayama (Yogic Breathing), Circular breathing (therapeutic breathwork), and Relaxation breathing. It all begins with developing a wholesome awareness of the natural breath, an experience of being rather than doing. From there, one can consciously train the breath, utilising the therapeutic practice of circular breathing to release stored trauma, fostering freedom and flow. Pranayama, on the other hand, brings about energetic body equilibrium and nurtures a calm mind with heightened attention and concentration.

I highly recommend tuning in to Nanneke's podcast episode on the intersection of yoga and film.

You might be wondering, why should you consider incorporating yoga into your daily schedule? Well, we can share some of the benefits with you.

Physical Health: Yoga improves balance, strength, and flexibility. Regular practice helps enhance posture, reduce chronic pain, and strengthen the immune system.

Mental Clarity: Yoga is an effective method for lowering anxiety and stress levels. It boosts mental clarity, increases focus, and relaxes the mind through controlled breathing and mindfulness.

Emotional Balance: Yoga promotes acceptance of oneself and self-awareness. It creates an environment for emotional discharge and inner tranquillity, which promotes greater emotional stability.

Spiritual Connection: For many, yoga is a path to spiritual growth and self-realization. It offers a sense of purpose and connection to something greater than oneself.

Holistic Wellness: Yoga is a common way to achieve spiritual development and self-realization. It provides a sense of direction and a link to something bigger than oneself.


At the Soul Kitchen Retreats, Nanneke takes the lead, guiding our body and breath sessions. It has been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with her and witness her expertise in action. Her deep-rooted passion for yoga and breathwork shines through, elevating the retreat experience for all participants. Nanneke's commitment to fostering self-awareness and spiritual growth through her practice is truly inspiring, and her presence at our retreats adds a profound dimension to the transformative journey we offer to our guests.

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