Hondée Gongolo: Embracing holistic well-being through Piri Piri Cuisine

Dec 18, 2023


Experience a culinary adventure with Piri Piri Cuisine, crafted by the passionate and mindful chef Hondée. Tucked away on the scenic coast of Portuguese coast, Piri Piri Cuisine focuses on plant based, seasonal, and regenerative dishes that go beyond the simple cuisine. This blog post explores Hondée’s vision, her diverse culinary experiences and the possibilities of embracing a holistic lifestyle.

More than a decade ago, Hondée’s love affair with food began, which started a journey of self-nourishment that took her from Tahiti to California, Asia and Africa. Three years ago, she launched Piri Piri Cuisine as for her plant based cooking needed to move forward, be more regenerative and go seasonal. This was a tribute to seasonal well-being her unique approach of plant based and seasonal which is influenced by her family cooking heritage.

Piri Piri Cuisine is a way of life centered on mindful eating, cooking and living. Hondée's commitment to supporting local farmers and customizing menus to their harvests reflects a slower and more mindful way of life. The food promotes the wellbeing of people as well as the planet by skillfully tying together the interdependencies of physical, mental, and energetic health.

Hondée's culinary journey is centered around the theme of personal transformation. After ten years in the corporate world, she made a significant life adjustment and put balance and energy first. Starting surfing at 35 years old, as a woman, it brought her a new confidence and relation to life & work. Her food is also influenced by this concept, each dish she prepares is a celebration of life and intentional nourishment.

In February 2023, Hondée was awarded a scholarship in recognition of her commitment to plant-based entrepreneurship. She received a runner-up prize sharing this prestigious recognition with two other participants for their Plant Three Course business program, demonstrating her commitment to growing her expertise and impact in the plant-based and sustainable culinary industry.

Hondée's culinary concept reflects her dedication to sustainable living and environmental awareness. Beyond creating delicious plant-based meals, she emphasizes the importance of making people aware of the impact their choices have on the environment. With a deep love for the environment around her she tries to share a sense of responsibility for the locations including where surfers spend a great deal of time.


* credit Kerry Murray for the photos

Hondée showcases her commitment to seasonal and vegetarian plant-based food when hosting her Wild Dinners. These dinners serve as a powerful demonstration of her belief that actions speak louder than words. Through these dinners, she intends to encourage others to embrace seasonal food by offering concrete experiences. Her innovative approach, creating menus with a focus on seasonality, reflects her commitment to conscious food choices.

Hondée is about to introduce her first two programs, combining her knowledge of retreat cooking with work/life balance tools she has learned. After 15 years of corporate experience, Hondée understands the daily challenges of maintaining a work/life balance. These two programs offer personalized guidance and weekly coaching calls, providing a holistic approach to well-being. She guides you toward a new nutritional balance, reducing stress and optimizing energy in your professional and personal life.

Alongside this initiative, Hondée envisions a cookbook that not only showcases her plant-based and seasonal recipes but also draws inspiration from the diverse and flavourful world of central & west African cuisine, which is her family heritage. Through these ventures, Hondée seeks to inspire a conscious and flavourful culinary exploration, celebrating the harmony between mindful nourishment, sustainable living, and the joy of diverse culinary landscapes.

Hondée is a living example of the transformational potential of adopting a holistic lifestyle; she went from being stressed-out to a plant-based chef and wellness consultant. Beyond simply being a culinary endeavor, Piri Piri Cuisine is an invitation to find happiness in daily life, a celebration of energy, and an introspective look at mindful nourishment. Hondée's recipe for life is that we can do a lot of things with almost nothing and extend an invitation to join her on a journey where each mouthful is a celebration moment and each meal is a tribute to a well-nourished and balanced life. She does this via her enthusiasm, worldwide inspiration, and commitment to well-being.

Au revoir :)

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