Soul Kitchen podcast: 16 Lessons from a journey of interviewing 50 Visionaries

Dec 15, 2023


I set out on a global journey three years ago, leaving behind the energetic city of Amsterdam. In the process, I launched the Soul Kitchen podcast, where I've had the honor of speaking with fifty inspiring people. The main question that emerges from these exchanges is, "What is your recipe for life?" I've learned a lot throughout the years as a beginner podcast host, and the following 16 lessons may be of interest to other podcasters and enthusiasts:

1) Purpose: Clarify your why and make sure you know exactly why you are doing podcasts. Podcasting is more than just having casual talks; it's realizing that every person has a different life story and set of viewpoints. In my case, the heartbeat of the Soul Kitchen podcast lies in the pursuit of knowledge, the joy that comes with meeting extraordinary people, the relentless exploration of new horizons and the desire to empower others. So, when clarifying your "WHY” it’s not just about the act of podcasting. It’s about creating an immersive experience and it’s about fostering a community that shares in the journey.

2) Mistakes: Embrace imperfection as a beginner, mistakes are inevitable. It's all part of the process. Accept flaws and pick-up knowledge as you go. Everything is a part of the process. Consider mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than something to be avoided. Accepting the "learning curve" fosters personal development and improves the podcasting experience for both you and your listeners that share this journey.

3) Guests: The sky's the limit, you can never be sure if someone will say no. Make use of your creativity and connect with people who motivate you. I've had the chance to speak with world record holders, famous educators, and TED presenters. The variety of people who contribute their distinct stories to podcasts is what makes them so beautiful.

4) Team: Build a diverse podcasting team consisting of individuals with expertise in design, copywriting, sound engineering, and video editing. It's important to keep in mind that every team member contributes significantly, which enhances the podcasting process and guarantees a well-rounded final episode.

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5) Time: Delegate tasks to your group to free up your time so you can concentrate on the things that only you can do. Giving tasks to people with specialized knowledge allows you to focus on your skills and save up critical time.

6) Money: Clarify your intentions and decide if your podcast is a creative project or a way to make money. If you choose with the former, having financial flexibility is crucial. If you're more interested in podcasting as a passion project than making money, then go for it. But always make sure that your podcasting journey continues to be fulfilling.

7) Ideas: Support your guests by providing concrete ideas on how they can amplify their episode and message. Share a flyer with them for guidance. Whether it’s by leveraging social media, cross-promoting on different platforms or encouraging audience engagement, offering a concrete strategy ensure that the impact of each episode goes far beyond the recording.

8) Channels: Expand your reach by launching content channels to attract and engage your audience. Platforms like Instagram and YouTube can be powerful tools. By expanding your digital footprint, you can create additional avenues for followers to connect with your podcast.

9) Format: While a casual conversation works for some, experts may suggest ways to enhance it further. A well-defined format not only captivates your audience but also solidifies your podcast identity in the competitive landscape.


10) Boundaries: Respect your guests by asking them about conversation boundaries to ensure a comfortable and respectful dialogue. Understanding and respecting these limits contribute to an environment where the guest will feel comfortable, paving the way to authentic and meaningful conversations.

11) Ratings: Prompt your audience, instead of solely relying on general promotions, encourage listeners one-on-one to rate your podcast. A gentle nudge can make a difference.

12) Peer-to-peer Learning: Learn from other podcast hosts and learn from their experiences. Peer-to-peer learning is invaluable. In interviewing fellow hosts, each conversation becomes a source of wisdom, providing unique perspectives on the art of podcasting. Learning form the success and challenges of others can accelerate your own growth as a podcaster.

13) Video: Use video to record your podcast, significantly expanding your reach and engagement. Visual content, whether on YouTube or other platforms, becomes an extension of your podcast, capturing the attention of your audience and your podcast’s impact.

14) Seasons: Organize your podcast into seasons. It allows exploration of different themes and provides breaks between seasons. It provides a natural rhythm to your podcasting schedule, offering breaks between seasons for reflection, planting and rejuvenation. By implementing seasons and taking breaks it keeps your podcast fresh and relevant.

15) Coach: Consider hiring a podcast coach when starting out. A coach can offer valuable insights, helping you navigate your potential pitfalls and accelerating your learning process. Their expertise becomes a valuable resource which can lead to the refinement of your podcasting skills and overall success.

16) Recipe: Craft Your own path. Remember your podcasting journey is unique. While absorbing insights from others, take advice with a pinch of salt. Craft your own recipes for success, and align your strategies with your own vision and style.

In the Soul Kitchen podcast, we delve into "Recipes for life" from icons of history, TED speakers, world record holders, renowned teachers, and everyday people. With over 7,000 downloads, the podcast continues to inspire and empower. Remember, your podcast journey is a recipe in itself—unique, evolving, and entirely your own.

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