Jasper Mutsaerts: Navigating entrepreneurship, travel, and personal growth through soulful living

Feb 22, 2024


I’m Jasper, and my journey is all about entrepreneurship, travel, personal growth and living consciously. As a social entrepreneur, adventurer, and coach, I’ve turned life’s challenges into opportunities for growth. I’m driven by a passion to inspire others on their quests, reflected in ventures like Soul Kitchen, bookachoo, Thank You Care Takers, ScaleHub, KULA, and Bohemian Birds. I’ve walked a path of entrepreneurship, world travel and personal development, experimenting with practices such as breathwork, meditation, and psychedelics.

Over the years I’ve kickstarted six businesses and consulted for many others. In the meantime I attended countless personal growth programs and retreats. Three years ago I realized I wanted to live a radically different life, so I packed my bags and left everything behind indefinitely. While traveling the world I felt I could help people find their purpose, escape their routine and sharpen their visions.

That’s when I started Soul Kitchen, where I set out to blend my experience in the world of business and startups with the world of personal growth and spirituality. Its sole purpose is to inspire others to find their passion in life and live their quest. It’s the one thing that electrifies me. I get to meet these amazing people who all have incredible ideas and stories and I get to help them bring these ideas into reality

One day I was discussing this idea with my brother Michiel. Michiel is a musician and creative entrepreneur who often draws inspiration from music and arts for developing new brand identities. That is where the name Soul Kitchen came from. It was inspired by a song by The Doors.


Soul Kitchen is broken up into 4 key components, each one having a significant impact in our mission.

1) Podcast: I have interviewed over 50 Visionaries for my Soul Kitchen podcast on how they live their life and contribute to their communities. I asked them the question: What is your recipe for life? I interviewed artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, speakers, teachers, world record holders, writers and many more. In the podcast you can find recipes for life from icons of history (Rosa Parks), TED speakers (Jacqueline Way), world record holders (Arjan Dwarshuis), renowned teachers (Eric Edmeades), conscious entrepreneurs (Mark van der Heijden), visionary artists (Lidia Lins) and people like you and me.

2) Events: At our events we invite some of the world’s most inspiring speakers and teachers. We aim to create a sense of community, collaboration and support, and strive to encourage each and every one of you to follow their dreams and their heart. Events give entrepreneurs a safe space to share their aspirations with the community, get assistance and guidance on how to achieve their goals and live their lives to the fullest.

3) Retreats: Our Vision Retreats bring together groups of conscious entrepreneurs and creators who want to bring their vision alive and create a positive impact on the world. The retreats blend consciousness (e.g. breathwork, cacao ceremony, meditation, movement, yoga) with entrepreneurship (e.g. purpose, vision, strategy, manifestation, leadership). The retreats are ideal for conscious entrepreneurs, corporate talents, teachers, facilitators, artists and creatives.

4) Co-living: Most recently we have opened up a co-living space in Portugal called Três Bandeiras in collaboration with Arthur Hendricks and Olivier Kruger. At Três Bandeiras, we redefine the concept of living together by creating a vibrant and inclusive environment where individuals come together to share more than just a space – they share experiences, ideas, and a sense of community.


It has always been a dream of mine to travel the world for an undefined amount of time. Longing for adventure, freedom and serendipity. Curious for what life has to offer when diving into the unknown. I kept procrastinating this dream though for a variety of reasons. At the time I had my own business, a girlfriend and my grandmother was old and I didn’t know for how long she would still be around.

When my relationship ended I realized this was now or never. At that moment I decided to go for it and subsequently I communicated with family, friends and business partners that I would go on a world trip. My intentions were to spend time in Tanzania, where my mother passed away when I was 1 year old due to a car accident. I also wanted to dive deeper into spirituality by staying in a community in Costa Rica (Pachamama), to meet with inspiring people and to visit places where the wind would take me. I also wanted to experience how life would be without being attached to my “professional identity” that I had developed in Amsterdam.

So my pivotal moment was when I had the choice of adhering to societal expectations for a stable life in The Netherlands or embracing the unknown. Leaving Amsterdam, a city that felt like a cozy haven of stability and predictability, felt like peeling away layers of comfort.

Pivoting towards a nomadic lifestyle demanded a complete mindset reset. Instead of seeking a predetermined path, I learned to find solace in the ambiguity of the journey. Deciding to embrace the nomadic lifestyle wasn’t just about changing locations, it meant saying goodbye to cherished possessions, family and friends and letting go of the safety net the routine provided.

Embracing the unknown became a source of liberation rather than anxiety. This mindset shift not only helped reshape my career but also redefined success as a continuous process of growth and adaptability.


My travels brought me to places like Tanzania, the Amazonian regions of Colombia and Ecuador, spiritual communities in Costa Rica, Portugal and Sweden and last but not least: Antarctica.

Throughout my journey in life one lesson that I have had to unlearn was tying my self-worth solely to a predetermined level of success or life milestone. Growing up, society has always placed an emphasis on measuring achievements as the yardstick for personal value. And there seemed to be a path that you had to follow: finish school, go to university, get a job, buy a house, marry, get children (beautifully described in this video of Zen philosopher Alan Watts: Life is not a journey). I like to question this predetermined path.

What other ways are there to live? During my world trip I have interviewed over 50 Visionaries for my Soul Kitchen podcast on how they live their life and contribute to their communities. I asked them the question: What is your recipe for life? At some point I found out that these Visionaries have a lot in common and that’s when I developed the VISION framework.

V = Voice (Listen to your inner Voice)

I = Intuition (Follow your Intuition without it needing to make financial sense)

S = Surrender (Surrender to the unknown without knowing where it will bring you)

I = Inspiration (Follow your Inspiration and learn from the people on your path)

O = Originality (Highlight your unique personality and Originality in your vision)

N = New (Step into your New vision fully; don’t hold back)


In the entrepreneurial world, success is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. Rather than fixating on these markers when I embarked on my nomadic journey, I learned to appreciate the process, the continuous learning, and the adaptability that was needed to fully embrace this lifestyle.

The shift allowed me to become better in detaching my self-worth from external validations, which allowed me to foster a healthier relationship with myself and the world around me.

Living more in the present became my guiding principle. Rather than getting lost in the future destinations, I find joy in daily discoveries and overcoming challenges. The shift to this mindset not only liberated me from the anxiety of constantly measuring up to a specific standard but also made my experience along the way much more worthwhile.

Contact Info:

Website: https://soulkitchen.earth/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mutsaertsjasper/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaspermutsaerts/

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