Daphne Laan: Connecting heart and technology

Jun 19, 2024


Daphne Laan is a visionary leader and a true pioneer. She is the co-founder of The Board Whisperers and Planetir; an innovative platform that integrates technology, business, and social impact to address global challenges and foster planetary action. Daphne believes in combining heart-centred skills with technological advancements to create a sustainable and interconnected future.

During her time in the tech sector, Daphne Laan served as the Head of Technology at Google. Working in the tech world, Daphne recognised that the industry and its leaders were largely defined by masculine qualities, and that leaders tended to lose sight of the invisible and intangible - such as intuition and connection. Her goal was to incorporate feminine qualities in the tech world: she led various initiatives and experiments, including one where she explored the impact of following one's heart in business decisions; and Women@Google, aiming to empower women in tech. This experience at Google highlighted the potential of values-driven leadership and opened doors for Daphne for new opportunities inside and outside of Google.


Daphne’s passion for arts, creativity and impactful action led her to create House of Wonder - a dynamic space designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and impactful action, inspired by Daphne’s own experiences and the transformative power of values-driven action. With House of Wonder as her umbrella for creative and impact entrepreneurship, she co-founded The Board Whisperers and Planetir. The Board Whisperers works with founders and executive teams to transform vision into inspired action, by also looking under the carpet. House of Wonder dubs as “a home for creative projects, providing a stage to amplify voices & to make a joyful impact.” This summer her gallery will open in her forest office, showcasing artists Clifton Mahangoe, a conceptual light artist making natural light art sculptures, Lyan van Furth, the world’s best food photographer and female artist duo Cutting the Cake, who create a dreamlike world.

Daphne’s commitment to environmental and social issues, combined with her belief in the power of storytelling to inspire change, brought her to globally launch ‘DOWN to EARTH Film’ - a compelling documentary that explores the lives and wisdom of indigenous leaders and communities around the world. The film is a profound journey into the heart of various cultures, revealing insights into living in harmony with nature and fostering a deeper connection to the Earth. By joining efforts as a collective, the film found its way to a global audience and the endorsement of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Daphne’s motto is “connecting the head and the heart” - with this in mind she co-founded Planetir, an innovative ecosystem platform designed to integrate technology, business, and social impact with the goal of revolutionising how talent and companies interact to create a sustainable future. The platform prioritises connecting individuals who are environmentally and socially conscious with mission-driven businesses looking to make a positive impact on the planet. Planetir provides pathways for both technical and soft skill development, in order to prepare the workforce for the demands of Industry 4.0, which includes AI, automation, and green technologies. Further initiatives are designed to empower migrants and refugees by recognising their talents, providing learning opportunities, and integrating them into the global workforce. Daphne believes that everyone is an artist and describes Planetir as a festival, where everyone pledges to protect shared values and work towards a common vision. This festival-like environment fosters freedom, joy, interconnectedness, and a sense of belonging. Beyond virtual interactions, Planetir organises physical gatherings, using art and music to connect people. Their Tune in // The Festival Track is an immersive, multi-disciplinary experience that unites participants in caring for our planet.


“Our moonshot is to dance with an audience of 100,000 people, activating them as Planetir pioneers in our community and on our platform. The vision is that the boundaries between the artist and the audience are artificial. We are all artists, working together and taking care of our house and our planet.”

Planetir envisions a world where people and the planet thrive in harmony. Daphne aims to create an ecosystem that aligns innovation with values, fostering a community of changemakers who work together to address the most pressing issues of our time. In all her projects and initiatives, Daphne’s focus is providing space and opportunities for people who otherwise can’t get their voice heard.

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